
作者:第三方评茶 更新时间:2022-07-24 19:30 阅读:869




As it known to all, China is famous for its tea culture. “firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea” are known as seven necessities in our daily life. It is very easy to understand how important tea is in our life as we are deeply influenced by tea culture: we need to serve tea in many situations, such as respecting the elder generations, in the wedding, the new daughter-in-law meeting her mother-in-law for the first time, greeting respectful customers ,etc. But do you know that we even need to drink tea first when we quarrel in others’ place or even, during divorce?


今天咱们就来聊聊所谓的“离婚茶”。俗话说“好聚好散”,或许和平分手甚至和平离婚在现代文化中并不陌生,然而在中国哲学中早就有聚散平等的观念。而在离婚茶的文化中正是体现了中国文化中平和的一面。So today we are talking about the divorce tea. There is an old saying, put as merry meet, merry part. Maybe nowadays to divorce in peace is no longer a news to us. But Chinese philosophy has already come up with the idea long time ago that being together should have been equal to being apart. So drinking tea during divorce shows the peaceful and calm side in Chinese culture.


在滇西至今保存着离婚茶的习俗。所以对于他们来说,离婚是平静的。双方离婚时,两边的亲友会相聚一堂。由提出离婚的一方主持斟茶,接着,将茶递给离婚的夫妇。接下来,就是离婚时的三杯茶礼了。In the west part of Yunnan province this tradition still has an influence towards people nowadays. When you have a divorce, both sides of the family should sit down and whoever ask for divorce need to arrange tea for each other. The host will make a pot of tea, pour it in the delegated cups and pass them to the couple.


第一杯茶乃甜茶,又称为回忆茶。虽然婚姻即将走到尽头,但婚姻中的甜蜜仍值得回味。生活永远是苦乐参半的。或许甜蜜的滋味能唤起他们的甜蜜回忆,让他们回心转意,也未可知。在中国文化中,虽然在哲学上能上升到聚散不定的高度,但在文化习惯上仍然尚和不尚离。或许第一杯茶的苦心,正是如此。First tea is the sweet tea, also known as memory tea. Although the marriage ends up with divorce, it has still a lot to be memorized. Life is not all of suffering or sweet. It must be a combination. Maybe the sweet tea can recall all the good memory and let them to think twice before they truly want to fall apart? In the culture of preferring to being together rather than apart, I do think sweet tea can function to make them together again.


第二杯茶为苦茶,极苦无比。人之本性乃爱甜胜过苦。争吵永远伴随着痛苦。或许有时候并非两人不合适,而是我们太固执,无法为对方做出改变。婚姻应互相爱敬,如果能爱对方胜过爱自己,那就更好了。然而正是爱己胜过爱对方,使得两人无法继续行驶婚姻之船,导致分崩离析。Second tea is bitter tea, so bitter that you even don’t want to swallow the water. Life is not easy if there is only fights and quarrels. We all love sweet rather than bitter. So this tea can remind us of how awful the quarrels are. Maybe sometimes it is not because we are not meant to be together, but we cannot change the bad habit or the way we talk , which can strongly infect couple’s affection. So why not love your couple more than yourself? Because after all, they are more like a family.


第三杯茶,也就是最后一杯茶,其实不是真正的茶——只是一杯白开水。无论生活中有多少苦乐,最后都会归于平淡。在苦茶之后,饮水,口中回甘充分。淡味始是真,这种境界,或许只有真正经历了生活才能体验到。The third tea, also the last tea, is actually not tea---- just a cup of water. Although life has suffering and sweet, but most of it tends to be just mild. The former tea is rather bitter, so the water tastes sort of sweet. Maybe it means we can only experience peaceful life after all sorts of strong feelings.


这就是,离婚茶。三杯茶之后,相忘于江湖。不知道饮茶能否改变双方的心意,然而无论做出何种选择,生活永远是简单的,正如这三杯茶,甜,苦,淡。That is. Drinking three cups of tea, then divorce. Maybe tea can change their mind. Maybe not. But whatever their choice is , life is simple , just like three cups of tea, sweet, bitter, and mild.




