亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

作者:茶道湖南 更新时间:2022-08-18 19:27 阅读:282


亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

澍德堂民宿外景View outside Shudetang Homestay



亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

组图:澍德堂民宿景观一角View of Shude Tang Hostel

Deep in the green forests of Huizhou, streams are gurgling. The bamboo groves rise and fall, showing the shadow of black tiles on top of the white walls.

In a waterside hostel in Southern Anhui, one can appreciate the beautiful rhythm of the Chinese garden with a special pleasure of wildness, and experience the ancient hermit life wandering in woods and waters.Shude Tang Hostel, located on the bank of Yongxing Lake in Chengkan,in southern Anhui, was transformed from seven old houses of the Hui style. The windows face to the lake and the doors the flowers. Pushing the old door open, one can walk onto the small bridge. Looking down,the lotuses are blossoming in the water. Looking up, the clouds flow slowly with the breeze. Time seems to stop here.With beautiful landscape and exquisite furnishings here, one can enjoy the scenery alone, tasting the beauty of the ancient village.



亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

组图:云上民宿自然风光优美Beautiful natural scenery of Cloud Hostel

In a quiet valley in the southern foothills of Huangshan City,at an altitude of more than 600 meters, lies the Cloud Hostel.Living here, one can lie in bed to see the sea of clouds in the morning, and watch the moon and the stars in the evening.The most attractive spot for children is swimming pool located inside the bamboo forest. What a pleasure it is to swim in the green mountains in a hot summer!



“厢居野奢民宿地址:黄山市休宁县蓝田儒村205国道 ( 三棵树风景区旁 )

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

组图:厢居野奢民宿外景及体验Xiangjuyeshe Homestay

More than 30 kilometers away from the Yellow Mountain, there is a hostel whose exterior decoration looks as a container with a modern industrial look. Contrastively, the rooms are decorated with wooden furniture, which corresponds with the beautiful sunset,providing a warm and gentle feeling for the guests, whose summer trip will add a touch of Huizhou.All kinds of hostel activities attract children the most. One can take his children to the mountains to pick tea leaves, chrysanthemum, and sweet potatoes, to fish in the stream, and to barbecue in the fields. Also, one can take his children to experience the special blue dye tradition, all of which makes here a paradise for children from cities.

月栖溪坐落在徽州新安江畔湖边古村落,距离屯溪明清老街仅1公里左右。它的现代感设计与徽派文化相结合,临窗观水,一江青绿,游船荡漾;举目远眺,碧山翠竹,白墙黛瓦,一派徽州情韵。品一杯清甜的徽州红茶,空气中便飘荡着淡淡茶香。这里,出可得繁华,感受徽商路;入可得清净,远离喧嚣。漫步出去便可游赏“流动的清明上河图”—— 最具明清建筑风格的街市,感受徽州充满温情和古意的市井气息。


亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

亲水民宿 听取蛙声一片

组图:传统古朴的月栖溪民宿Traditional and quaint Yueqixi Homestay

Yueqixi Creek is located in an ancient village on the banks of the Xin‘an River,about 1 kilometer from the Tunxi Old Street which dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. Looking through the window,one can see the green river the rippling sightseeing boats. Looking ahead, you can see the green bamboo trees all over the hills, with a full taste of Huizhou.Tasting a sip of Huizhou black tea, one can smell the light tea fragrance in the air,and enjoy a moment of peace away from the hustles and bustles, while recalling the history of ancient Hui merchants.(部分图片由受访对象提供)




